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A Sports Recreation Intern utilizes communication and organizational skills to provide vital help to the Student Life Pastors (SLPs), Missions Pastors, and Driector of RU. As a member of the Student Life team, the Sports Recreation Intern operates with utmost confidentiality as he or she  grows within the realms of time management, scheduling sports games / tournaments, hosting the sports events and effective communication. 


Positions Available: 1


Direct Report: Student Life Team


Timeframe and Commitment: August 1st, 2025 - May 3rd, 2026 (approx. 8 weekly hours, possibly more/less depending on number and type of events)



  • Help SLP's come up with fun sport event ideas for Student body


  • Help Missions Pastors come up with fun outreach type games / sports events to reach the community.​


  • Cooridnate with SLP's regarding meeting dates/times/locations, etc to help with events with whole student body.


  • Work closely with Class Representatives/Activities Team Members (CRs/ATMs) with schedules, plans, and follow up in order to provide Student Life Pastors with an overall gage of activities.  


  • Must be available for ALL student life activities â€‹â€‹


  • Be available for the SL Retreat to help with coordinating games and events while there. 


As a Sports Recreation Intern you will have hands on ministry experience, specifically in the arenas of ministry administration, leadership, and discipleship. This will bring further understanding and growth of one-on-one ministry, discipleship training, the role of a pastor, and more while working within a variety of parameters laid out by the Student Life Pastors. You will also receive personal discipleship, teaching, and relational investment from RU staff and faculty.

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