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An Evangelism and Outreach Assistant helps students display the love of Jesus to the Hamilton community and beyond by organizing and executing outreaches for students. Through hands on training and personal connection, an Evangelism and Outreach Assistant combines administrative and interpersonal skills to ensure an effective experience on and off the field for everyone involved. 


Positions Available: 2


Timeframe and Commitment: August 5, 2020 - May 5, 2021 (8-10 weekly hours)




  •     Partner with and assist Ramp Church with plans and execution of all local outreaches                                                              

  • ·   Assist with organization and execution of all domestic outreaches and trips (Mardi Gras Invasion, Chattanooga, etc)              

  • ·   Assist with teaching and training students of proper outreach protocol​                                                                                        

  • ·   Assist with teaching and training of various evangelistic methods                                                                                                         

  • ·   Recruit, place, and retain student volunteers on outreach teams​


  •     Work with Advanced Leadership Department Assistant(s) to help organize / facilitate training and events within                 Advanced Leadership Department. 


  • ·   Attend all Evangelism and Outreach department events                                                                                                                    

  • ·   Attend regular and impromptu RSM faculty and staff meetings                                                                                                                    

As an Evangelism and Outreach Assistant, you will have hands on ministry experience, specifically in the arenas of missions, service, evangelism, discipleship, preaching, etc. This will further your understanding of missions theology and its role within the individual Christian walk and the global church. You will also receive personal discipleship, teaching, and relational investment from Instructors, guest speakers, and RSM staff and faculty. 

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